Wear Music #14 Kishi Bashi- 151a
…更像是轉得很快的陀螺,心裡頭的益加疲累感近來發酵的很嚴重。越來越不知為何而轉?然後就越來越沒意思…時間都是要過去,但我要不要一個對於我而言更有意義的東西?前陣子突然有一個「光」出現,但自己又懶散又沒勇氣,於是就還是在原地。只是我還沒能接受現況,焦慮感讓心情變成起起伏伏,然後新名字Kishi Bashi帶著他簡單好記的《151a》如甘霖般的降到,說不出有多感激!
上班族三不五時的呻吟都是可被當作很正常的現象,反正不這樣哭么一下,感覺整個人應該很快就發瘋;可是當「三不五時」的頻率越來越高,然後又發現自己心裡好像長出了一個「火種」,只是你又因為種種的不得已考量還是在原來的地方 – 雖然作與不作也只是在一念之間,但這一念卻是要很巨大的一步,所以暴躁就變成最近很常在做的一件不太好的事!
然後這個時候,音樂好像解藥,就很奇妙!一個全新的名字Kishi Bashi突然卡進我的生活裡。帶有起承轉合的首發專輯《151a》有著乾淨俐落又好記的名字,接著9首作品 – 從給人家醞釀情緒的〈Intro/ Pathos, Pathos〉到最後用高亢將情緒收掉的〈Beat the Bright Out of Me〉 (很適合跳怪怪的現代舞說),這之間有的豐富音樂有〈Mancheter〉那種像又自然又雄壯的Andrew Bird (大概都是把小提琴拿來給搖滾用)、〈Chester's Burst Over the Hamptons〉是快要跳起來的I'm from Barcelona (讓我想到的是〈Battleship〉,雖然solo跟很多人一起的感覺還是有差)、還有一些聽著聽著就覺得好像是Sufjan Stevens…Alors...這樣好像就把這張專輯講成某一類的「複刻版」,其實也不盡然是,總而言之,一整個就有陽光加強版的〈Bright Whites〉就某一個搭著地鐵上班時刻變成了我的剛好出現的救贖,於是反覆不斷回去聽是一定要的。
原來前面的「天使合音」唱的是日文啊的〈Bright Whites〉
"keya keya sorya douse ne,
keya keya sorya douse dame da.
yamerarenai yamerarenai.
douse damedakedo yamerarenai ne"
"keya keya sorya douse ne,
keya keya sorya douse dame da.
taerarenai taerarenai,
douse dame da kedo taerarenai ne"
(in Japanese, "douse dame da" means "probably impossible"; "yamerarenai" means "can't stop" and "taerarenai" means "can't take it anymore")
you and me at the edge of the world
with a pretty little smile for me to see
new bright whites and a cage full of ice
and a naked little canopy to feed my disease
and if you're to smile at me
I could cry by land or sea
after you said that you like Big Red
I opened up my mind and skipped a beat
cufflinks and hands in wrong places and faces
and creepy little movies made me weep
and if you're to say to me
what is mine is yours to keep
well you know, I'll have to see
if all the stars aligned we could've solved the mystery
it's a partial fantasy
we're living in a land that went astray from history
you and me at the edge of the bed
looking at the faded pictures for you to see and me to see
murder and colonies, land without rivers
raging in the middle of some sad destiny
take one look to find my eyes
safety's in your inner thigh
well you know, I'll have to see,
if all the stars aligned we could have solved the mystery
it's a partial fantasy
we're living in a land that went astray from history
然後我才知道原來單槍匹馬的Kishi Bashi是擁有日本血統的西雅圖音樂人啊!他原來是跟著別的樂團一起巡迴,而第一張帶有萬花筒樂趣的專輯竟然廠牌名稱叫做Joyful Noise (喜悅的噪音),實在很有趣。
Kishi Bashi at wiki
Kishi Bashi at official site
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