透徹體會什麼叫做一秒鐘就足以改變生命,身體前所未有的在改變 ﹣感覺自已好像在用自己在做什麼實驗,很多以前從來沒有的體驗通通跑到身體裡來。這個應該會是很長的故事就讓我先擱著,不管生命如何被這突然卡進來的一瞬間而轉了一個我們也想不到的彎,總而言之,即將而來的11、12月,還是不會改變的忙碌 ﹣ 11場金馬影展的馬拉松、幾場演唱會、幾個表演、還有可能的幾次小旅行⋯。然後,今年特別提早的初冬,一早晒的暖陽,我倚在捷運車窗,耳朵裡也許是刻意戴上帶去南法的音樂,無論如何,這樣子的空氣乾濕度、還是這樣子的陽光溫度,都會讓我想要回到我們開著那台義大利小車,沿途倒退的是不高不低的山、沒辦法想像後來會變成美麗紫色的灰濛濛薰衣草寶寶、抑是仍在醞釀成長的葡萄藤,當然還有在那塊好遠的土地所發生的很多事以及我們一起走過的路。人的生命歴程確實有很多時刻,但在生命轉彎的此時此時,那個僅僅幾日的風景卻彷彿變成我現在的一輩子。
今年四月帶去南法的Andrew Bird,放在這一個月維持的里里拉拉部落閣,感覺確有濫竽充數之虞,可是我真的很需要一個鼓勵。然後,Andrew Bird的《Danse Carribe》不僅僅只是很有旅行感,而是他小提琴與口哨都玩得那麼開心,就我也被大大安撫到了。
Danse Carribe
You were a shameless child
Bandied by stiff cross currents
Anything but "my", "yes", and "no"
Just simply weren't invented
yet Oh yes, oh no
Then one day you'd had it
Exiled your close advisors
Ousted your dog, your rabbits
You're through with pacifiers
You're through with pacifiers now
You're through with pacifiers
Here we go mistaking clouds for mountains, oh
Here's the thing that brings the sparrows to the fountains, oh
Here's the thing that makes you run for the highlands, oh
Here we go mistaking clouds for mountains
Then one day you'd had it
Exiled your close advisors
Ousted your dog, your rabbits
You're through with pacifiers
You're through with pacifiers now
You're through with pacifiers now
You're through with pacifiers
Here we go mistaking clouds for mountains, oh
Here's the thing that brings the sparrows to the fountains, oh
Here's the thing that makes you run for the highlands
Here we go mistaking clouds for mountains
當然這首《Give it Away》也在此刻特別有打氣的效果
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