如果我把這首長達將近8分鐘的音樂給聽完十次,那麼我今天晚上的公園快走練心跳就有80分鐘 – 也就是變成有點破天荒的1小時20分鐘。不過這個願望終究沒有成真捏。
不想把日子過的太鬆懈,於是也學同學開始在晚上做「走路一小時」(偶爾跑一下) 這件光想就很乏味的一件事。不過還好有音樂為伴,雖然聽起來很枯躁的事,也就變的有點意思。
然後這個星期有一天晚上,聽到好久沒有放的Death Cab for Cutie這首8分鐘史詩鉅作"Transatlanticism" (永遠會讓人忘記正確拼法),我就又重新跑進去那個會把整個人吸進去的無盡黑洞裡,開始用「重覆」來自虐。怎麼會這麼讓人沒法自拔的上癮,我也不懂。
於是今晚原來有點掙扎要不要「去繞圈圈走路」,在後來提起一口氣just do it,就帶著這個雖然像黑洞但就很有能量的音樂上路:如果我重覆讓我的耳朵聽10次的”Transatlanticism”,那真的是很不錯的一件事,也有人會給我一個讚。
然後,工作上緊發條般累了幾天,「10次」顯得太異想天開。今天晚上的走路,也只有近40分鐘的差強人意。不過略感失望之際,再次調整好自己歪掉的臉,至少我樂觀的期待熬過下個星期的「苦差事」,我又可以再去看跳舞來為我現在好像不是太順 (樂園) 的人生解套。
the atlantic was born today and i'll tell you how:
the clouds above opened up and let it out.
I was standing on the surface of a perforated sphere
when the water filled every hole.
and thousands upon thousands made an ocean,
making islands where no island should go.
oh no.
those people were overjoyed; they took to their boats.
I thought it less like a lake and more like a moat.
the rhythm of my footsteps crossing flood lands to your door have been silenced forever more.
the distance is quite simply much too far for me to row
it seems farther than ever before
oh no.
I need you so much closer (x8)
-instrumental break -
I need you so much closer (x4)
so come on, come on (x4)