
Wear Music #3 British Sea Power- Valhalla Dancehall

不知是不是因為重拾法文課書包的關係,莫名其妙的當夜未能好好成眠後,於是勉強撐起自己度過一個工作白日,不得已刻意躲掉其實也中斷很久的週間運動課,精神十分疲弱的一個人晚上只想好好聽個音樂(原來想拿回來弄的工作真的只能擺一邊),拿出來的是最近頗為沉迷的British Sea Power(BSP)於2011年所推新作《Valhalla Dancehall》,就從那首極好琅琅上口的轟趴歌'Living is so easy'開始…

跨入2011之際,手邊諸如the Decemberists的《the King is Dead》幾張於今年度才推出的新碟,正聽得沒多大興味 – 雖都有好音樂,但卻仍未為耳朵建起更完整的驚豔值,而此際甫拿到的BSP這張以飛騰駿馬跳出藍紅綠三角框為主圖像的新作《Valhalla Dancehall》,耳機才一插上就讓我忙不迭地將許多的專輯暫棄一旁,反反覆覆聆聽下,當然也就走入這幾個大男人所建構的一個熱鬧繽紛卻又有沉殿時刻的多變跟無法定調的音樂世界裡。

才聽BSP,才知原來成立有十年之久的他們,其實在台灣早有大批的粉絲,並且也於兩年前曾舉辦台北演唱會 – 正巧是我們飛越國際換日線,去到巴黎與倫敦吸收養份之際,雖然有些抱著相識恨晚之憾,但還有時間來補足我早先對於他們的空白,也無庸置疑,就從他們在2008年用那麼直白的方式問我們大家"Do You Like Rock Music"開始(該作也將樂團推上登峰),然後回頭聽2005年他們用來超越眾多英搖神的《Open Season》…總之就有那麼幾個星期,就這樣BSP的滾過來滾過去。

不過今天不談我個人理出的BSP樂理脈絡,除了回應前言所述的棈神耗弱,最重要的是喜歡這支擁有深厚道地英搖底蘊(文學素養不能缺)、但卻又揮灑出多變風格的樂團,理由實在太簡單了 – 就是喜歡,不過這支能在才人備出的獨立搖滾樂壇以超過十年之姿穩穩地佔有一片天空的樂團,自然沒有太簡單,不信!慢慢地從一張張專輯聽下來,隨之而起的頗複雜情緒能量會慢慢的跑出來。

多說了,畢竟今晚的重點是要用'Living is so easy'振奮自己,等等還想一個人對著電視機挑戰才獲日本電影大獎的《告白》,希望不要情緒不夠協調,臉歪掉了而來不及調整回來。

Well oh my god did she look cute,
at the Dame Vera clay pigeon shoot,
But it was over oh so fast,
it was a blast.
So here's to all the dirty girls,
they're taking on all of the world,
Accessorised up to the hilt,
no-one got killed

Northern girls,
Are you going to the party?
Southern boys,
Are you going to the party?
The Wessies and the Ossies.
Everyone is going to the party,
And we know that you will understand, oh oh.

Living is so easy, Shopping is so easy,
Dying is so easy, All of it is easy

I love your celebrity,
Your VPL in the SUV.
And then you're pissing vitamins, it is a sin
LVMH in the HLM luxury.
It will descend, I won't be looking at your eyes in the end.

Rive Gauche girls,
Are you going to the party?
Banlieue boys,
Are you going to the party?
The cops and the commies,
Everyone is going to the party,
And we know that you will understand, oh oh.

Living is so easy, Shopping is so easy,
Dying is so easy, All of it is easy

Northern girls are going to the party,
Southern boys you're going to the party.
Everyone is going to the party,
Everyone is going to the party.
And we know that you will understand.

Living is so easy, Living is so easy, Living is so easy,
Pissing is so easy, Dancing is so easy, Shopping is so easy, It's never been so.

British Sea Power Official Site
British Sea Power on Myspace
British Sea Power - Do You Like Rock Music? – 音速青春


